The effective use of ICT has the potential to enhance teaching and learning in every subject in the teaching curriculum.
- Providing collaborative computing tools such as the Intranet, shared network folders and other communications facilities encourages students to cooperate confidently with each other as part of the learning process.
Helping students to gain a clear understanding of the social implications of ICT, informing them of the potential dangers of the Internet and helping them to understand copyright issues enables them to become responsible citizens in the modern world.
The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge of using computer system, especially the use of different Microsoft offices (excel,power point and access) and also have an idea on some basic IT concepts like hardware/software parts of computer, computer memories and so on
To conceptualize the various laws relating to business transaction and formation within Rwanda’s legal framework and internationally focusing on introduction to law, general principles of law of contract, law of sale of goods and law of agency, Hire purchase, law of tort, insurance law, negotiable instruments and the law of property.
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of business law and able to understand the legal elements of business transaction as per the context of Rwandan law system
This Module introduces to the students the Accounting techniques, skills and other practical knowledge which are useful to come across in different types of business entities and organizations'. Accounting Practices such as ; Accounting for Manufacturing Industries, Accounting for Non profit – making entities , Accounting for Partnerships, Accounting for Limited Companies. Further this module deals with preparation of financial statements, cash flow statement and assessing the performance of a limited company by using simple financial analysis and ratios.