Course image SMS1212: Fundamentals of Mathematics
Semester 2

Brief description In this module, high school graduates shall be given a comprehensive teaching in mathematics to increase their basic knowledge in this discipline, especially those who did not study mathematics in their advanced level. The module mainly covers concerts of algebra, trigonometry and diferential calculus.

Course image SMS1214: Philosophy and Critical Thinking
Semester 2


The aims of this undergraduate module is:
- to explore and analyse a broad range of critical issues and systems of thought in
Philosophy, Logic, and Social Theory
- to cultivate quality of thought, and of life, in informedly discussing the arguments
and implications engaged in terms of methodology, epistemology, and ontology
This course is designed as, and not only aimed at, critical thinking first-hand
opportunity. It combines fundamental approaches (which think beneath the surface)
and concrete ones (which apply generic questioning skills to daily life).