This module will help the students to:
To provide basic knowledge and understanding of the main principles
underpinning the performance in crop husbandry, seed production principles
and crop improvement including principles, theory, breeding objectives and
applications of plant breeding for the genetic improvement of plants
Dear Students,
The Module team would like to introduce you to the module entitled " Agricultural Research Methods".
This is a cross-cutting module meant for year III students in the Options of Horticulture and Crop Production. You are required to read all information provided to you, interact with your colleagues and facilitators via given forums. This module has two components: Biometrics and Research Methods and will be thought in the second Trimester. You will meet your lecturers online and in face-to-face sessions. Other times are reserved to self-study. The mode of assessment will consist of one Assignment out of 25 marks, an invigilated CAT out of 25 and a final exam out of 50 marks per each component. You will have to work individually and in group discussions as instructed.
The teaching team look forward for your active participation. Thank You!
Farm machinery Equipment and operation include equipment and tools for primary and secondary tillage, sowing or seeding equipment and Plant protection equipment. It is Taught in Year 2 Crop Sciences, Irrigation and drainage and Soil Sciences.