Course image MIN4263 Technology of Mineral Flotation
Semester II
  1.      Brief description of aims and content

As a most widely used mineral separation method, mineral flotation is the preferred method of mineral recovery for many of the most important minerals that are recovered in mining industry. The course is intended to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental elements of flotation systems such as solid, liquid and gas phases, electrochemical potential and thermodynamics of interfaces. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to flotation applications on naturally floatable minerals, sulfide, oxide, silicate and salt type minerals.

  1. 2.     Indicative Content

Chemistry of flotation, mechanics of flotation, surface charge and zeta potential, surfactants, adsorption, flotation techniques, ore and pulp properties, flotation machines, flotation circuits, auxiliary apparatus. Surface chemistry of flotation, solid, liquid and gas phases, electrochemical potential, surfaces and interfaces, thermodynamics of interfaces, contact angles in three-phase systems. Flotation reagents, anionic and cationic collectors, non-ionizing collectors, control reagents, froths, interaction of reagents with minerals. Coagulation, flocculation and dispersion, aggregation with inorganic chemicals and organic polymers, selective flocculation. Flotation applications on naturally floatable minerals, sulfide, oxide, silicate and salt type minerals.

  1. 3.     Learning and Teaching Strategy

Lectures are given to help students get basic understanding and knowledge on Technology of Mineral Flotation. Interactive discussions during lectures help students develop innovative skills and problem examples are intended to stimulate students to search topics of their own interest. Exercises are intended to reinforce the lecture materials, to encourage the student to read the study notes and to illustrate the application of the concepts to explicit and practical problems. Tutorial sessions help students to catch-up on what they have not understood during lectures or problems they have not been able solve. Lecture notes, problem sheets for tutorials and exercises are provided.

Course image MIN 4265 Social-Environmental Aspects of Mining
Semester II

Brief description of aims and content

This module provides a comprehensive and practical understanding of the impacts both positive and negative that geology and mining related activities may have on society and environment. On completion of this course, students should be able to identify, analyse and apply state-of-the-art techniques in environmental management of the sites as well as identify the major issues and management strategies associated with social/community impacts of mining in Rwanda and internationally.

By completion of this module, students will be able to:

  1.  Demonstrate knowledge of the legal, social, political & ethical context of mining in Rwanda and overseas
  2.  Analyse and compare environmental plans and standards
  3. Evaluate the environmental impacts of mining activities on communities
  4.  Communicate environmental aspects of mining both orally and in reports

Course image MIN4266 Seminars on Mining and Geology in Rwanda
Semester II

1. 1     Brief description of aims and content

The module aims to provide students with practical understanding on the mining industry in Rwanda. It is organized as a seminar where students meet regularly to present and discuss recent geological and mining scientific papers. Some experienced people from industry and public institutions acquainted with Mining sector will be invited to give public talks on Mining issues.

1. 2     Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

On completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Understand and describe mining methods used in Rwandan mining industry with some illustrative examples.
  • Understand types, quantity and quality of mineral ores mined in Rwanda
  • Have a clear historical perspective of geology and mining industry in Rwanda
  • Know the government policy about Rwandan earth energy resources (peat, geothermal, methane gas).
  • Understand processing technologies in mineral and quarry resources in Rwanda
  • Know all institutions in charge of mining sector and their responsibilities (Rwanda Natural Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources, etc.)

Practical Knowledge/ Professional Skills

On completion of this module, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills:

  • Assess and evaluate Mining methods used in Rwanda
  • To identify areas of potential weaknesses in Geology and Mining industry in Rwanda and to propose corresponding pertinent solutions.
  • Assimilate the key aspects of Mining Law and Regulations in Rwanda

Key Transferable Skills

On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • Develop the interest/ eagerness to provide support to the Rwandan Mining Sector
  • Opening minded towards employment and other opportunities in connection with Mining Sector.
  • Recognize the challenges of the Geology and Mining Sector and play a part in providing solutions.

1. 3 Indicative Content

Records on Rwandan and Regional Mining. Overview about Mining methods and techniques used in Rwanda. Rwandan mining policy. Government policy about earth energy resources (peat, geothermal, methane gas). Geological resources in Rwanda and in the region. Background information on the potential of the mining industry in Rwanda (This consists of information about prospective mineral ores based on various geochemical anomalies found). EDPRS and VISION 2020 strategic plans for developing Geology and Mining sector. Role of Geology and Mining sector in National economy. Mining Law and Regulations in Rwanda. Cassiterite mining in Rwanda. Wolfram mining in Rwanda. Gold mining in Rwanda. Coltan (tantalite) mining in Rwanda. Processing technologies in mineral and quarry resources in Rwanda. Environmental aspects of Mining in Rwanda. Major challenges in Geology and Mining Sector in Rwanda. Geology and mining scientific papers on Tin, Wolfram, Tungsten and Gold.