This module aims to provide the opportunities for students to be equipped with the fundamentals, both theory and practice of mineral processing technology. It also enables them to appreciate the importance of minerals and the criticality of value addition to mineral resources by physical and physico-chemical processes.
- Brief description of aims and content
This module is conducted as a series of monthly and a series of field training. The field have been designed to apply the knowledge gained in lectures and provide practical experience in the use of specialized fields and their equipments. Students will also be visited during the yearly field training at the end their third year which apply the principles of the main topics covered in the lectures.The module is also intended to provide advanced knowledge and exposure to techniques and technologies used in mine industry. The course will familiarize students with a large range of of field activities,they will visited at least twice within their industrial Training,one after one week of the starting of their Industrial Training,and second time one week before they finish their Industrial Training.
The Students are evaluated by the school and the company where they are being trained. The company supervisor will assess them of 50% and the school will assess them out of 50%. the school supervision will based done through two visits at the site and the training final reports.