In this course, students will acquire the fundamental skills to use Matlab to solve engineering problems. It deals with working with the Matlab interface, entering commands and creating variables, creating and modifying 2D and 3D graphics, working with vectors, matrices, and arrays, automating commands with scripts and writing functions.
The module aims to provide the basics of electrical engineering through mainly practice as well as theory. The main topics will be:
- Electrical workshop: This course is to give the introduction to a Three phase induction motor, three phase induction motor forward & reverse operation, three phase induction motor Star/Delta operation, Combination of three phase induction motor forward/reverse operation and three phase induction motor Star/Delta operation and introduction to the domestic lighting system.
- Electronics workshop: The course aims to provide the basics of practical skills of electronic circuits. It covers: Practical work about different circuits that makes a DC power supply. Behaviour analysis and Measuring at each stage (the inputs and outputs) of those circuits.
The module is taught by two Lecturers:
Eng. Obed Muhayimana (Electronic Workshop)
Tel: +250788401416
Mr. Hussein Ngwije (Electrical Workshop)
Tel: +250788356829
This module is designed to enable students to achieve a basic knowledge of electrical circuit analysis techniques. To introduce techniques for analyzing the transient of RL, RC and RLC circuits. This module is an essential precursor to several more advanced courses. This subject provides the basis for single AC circuits, poly-phase system and their representation.
A network, in the context of Electrical / Electronics, is a collection of interconnected components. Electric Circuit analysis is the process of finding the voltages across, and the currents through, every component in the network. Electric circuits or networks are the assemblage of devices and or equipment needed to connect the source of energy to the user or the device which exploits it. It is therefore essential for Electrical / Electronics Engineers to start by this course which is the foundation of other courses such as Communications systems, computer systems, Electrical machines, and power systems that all consist of more or less complicated electrical circuits which themselves are made up of a number of circuit elements, this is why an electrical/electronics engineer has to study many different techniques for calculating these values which the aim of this course.