Well, we might now have a course shell and know how to handle the basic settings, but it is still blank. We need to put some content into it.
 It is very basic and straightforward. It might not be easy the first time you do it (though, I'm betting a large number will find it easy), but it is something that every teacher can learn how to do.
The first step to any additions you want to make to your course content is to "turn your editing on". We looked in our last lesson at how to do that.
Once you do, you are set up for the steps that follow.
- 2.     Brief description of aims and content
The module is aiming at: introducing learners to historical and contemporary developments of education and relating them to general development efforts in Rwanda and the rest of the world. It develops a deep understanding of the process of Education. Moreover, it intends to facilitate the understanding of practical reform and planned development of school systems. It provides knowledge about Education in foreign countries and as, a result of comparison, gives the opportunity to think about the realities of  Rwanda's education system.
 It also provides the opportunity to discover strong and weak points, advantages and disadvantages of educational system which are compared with the background of foreign Education system.
Module Description
To provide an essential, simple, useable body of economic theory, which will both provide the basis for further study and equip students with a real understanding of the role of economics in business, public and private decision making. To help students to understand the foundational concepts of economic principles
 surgeryIII is any invasive operative procedure in which a more extensive resection is performed, e.g. a body cavity is entered, organs are removed, or normal anatomy is altered. In general, if a mesenchymal barrier is opened (pleural cavity, peritoneum, meninges), the surgery is considered major. For surgical procedures that do not clearly fall in the above categories, the chance for significant inadvertent microbial contamination is to be a primary consideration. Generally, the classification of major will be applied only to procedures in which the animal is anticipated to survive longer than 24 hours. If the animal is to be terminated in less than 24 hours, techniques applicable to minor surgical procedures may be used. A procedure previously classified as minor will be changed to major if microbial contamination proves to be a significant problem. In general, the standards for major surgery apply only to non-rodent species. However, if microbial contamination proves to be a significant problem with procedures carried out in rodents, the standards for non-rodent species must be applied.
All major surgical procedures in non-rodent species must use appropriate surgical techniques and must be conducted in facilities intended for survival surgery and used only for that purpose. The facilities must be designed and managed to insure a level of sanitation appropriate for aseptic surgery. The operating room should contain only the equipment and supplies required to support the procedure being performed. A separate area, apart from the surgery room, must be provided for preparing the animal for surgery although the final surgical preparation, not to include clipping of hair, may be conducted in the surgery. An area equipped with surgical scrub sinks should be apart from the operating room. A surgical-support area should be provided for storing instruments and sterile supplies and for washing and sterilizing instruments. With this syllabus, the learner will benefit the compiled theoretical and practical skills as finisher leading him to the qualification of Veterinary technician.Â
The Curriculum Design and Development course provides students on the Masters of Instructional Design and Technology with a theoretical and practical understanding of curriculum design, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Your work as an Instructional designer is in balance if there is no curriculum you are designing those materials for.   Therefore, after this course, you will be able to explain the foundations of curriculum design, conduct a needs assessment or situational analyses for the viability of a curriculum, design a curriculum and evaluate its appropriateness.
E-Business Applications and Development is a module that focuses on the development and implementation of electronic business (e-business) applications. The module covers the fundamental concepts and tools necessary for developing e-business applications, as well as the practical issues related to implementing e-business systems in organizations.
The module explores topics such as the basics of e-business, e-commerce models and frameworks, electronic payment systems, e-marketing strategies, website design and development, online security and privacy, and legal and ethical issues related to e-business.
The module introduces the basic concepts and principles of the passive and active components through the use of semiconductor technologies and it also aims to provide the basics of practical skills of electronic circuits.
Introduction to online study as a blended learning approach to improve External Degree Programme delivery, highlighting its advantages. What is an LMS? How to log on and navigate the MUELE LMS. How use it for collaborative study? Forming study groups. Act of Union of 1910.
In this course, we discuss the processes, methods, techniques and tools that organizations use to determine how they should conduct their business, with a particular focus on how computer-based technologies can most effectively contribute to the way business is organized. The course covers a systematic methodology for analysing a business problem or opportunity, determining what role, if any, computer based technologies can play in addressing the business need, articulating business requirements for the technology solution, specifying alternative approaches to acquiring the technology capabilities needed to address business requirements, and specifying the requirements for the information systems solution in particular, in-house development, development from third-party providers, or purchased commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) packages.