Course image AGM2123 Water Supply & Land Development Machinery
Trimester 1

Welcome to Water Supply & Land Development Machinery module.

At the end of this module, students would possess in depth knowledge of different sources of

Water Supply & Land Development Machinery and of features of tracks and its working.

They will get introduced to the factors influencing the output of the machine, the factors affecting the selection of tractors and to the Ratings of tractors.

It contains the following units/components:

  1. Earth moving machinery;
  2. Pumps & Pumping Machinery; and  
  3. Fundamentals of Soil Physics

 Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

 1. Earth Moving Machinery and its utilization

 2. Pumps and Pumping Machinery

3. Fundamentals of soil physics

4. Apply the concepts of theory and principles in all 3 components

5. Apply knowledge for skill development

6.  Demonstrate an understanding of decision making tools in the all 3 fields of study

7. Advice the farmers on Technical aspects of rural construction

 8. Advice the farmer on Utilization of earth moving machinery


  1. Frederick Colyer (2011); Pumps And Pumping Machinery; Worcestershire: Read Books; Vol. 2,ISBN-13: 978-1446095690
  2. Michael, A.M and Ojai T.P. Principles of Agricultural Engineering Part-I and II
  3. Dr. Jagdishwar Sahay. Elements of Agricultural Engineering


Facilitators contact

  1. Francois MUGWANEZA

         Tel. +250 788519447

          e-mail: or

  1. Aloys HABIMANA

          Tel: +250 788468284
